Uninvited guest

Not welcome.

You are not welcome,
and you never will be.

We despise you,
and always have.

You are a mistake,
a thing,
that should not be.

We hope,
every moment of your existence
is spent in unimaginable agony,
writhing endlessly.

We want your life to be a hopeless void,
which you cannot run from.

Take this rope we have brought;
end it all.

For us,
so we can feel good.


While you tie the noose around your neck,
we watch,
we wait,

Until what needs to be done,
is done,
and your death throes turn to stillness.

we move on to the next,
letting our hate flow freely.


Uninvited guest - Emotional catharsis through a poetical work

Last update: 6 June 2021